
Mander Ritzert is the author of Beneath the Shadowlanders, a sci-fi adventure. Here, you’ll find updates about new books, a literary review and linguistics blog: The Drip, advanced access to preorders, downloadables, and other goodies!

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Out Now!

Beneath the Shadowlanders

Beneath the Shadowlanders Cover


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Coming Soon!

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Dreaming in Color

Cover Reveal Coming Soon!


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Panel 2

About Me

Mander Ritzert was born and raised in Northern Illinois. She’s dreamed of becoming a writer since the fifth grade, and started writing her first full-length book in middle school. Her first novel, Beneath the Shadowlanders, was written during NaNoWriMo 2015, as a tribute to that first book, using the original title as inspiration. Although the plot is completely different and entirely unrelated to the original Beneath the Shadowlanders, she likes to think her younger self would be proud.

Mander graduated from Northern Illinois University with a BA in English in June 2021. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Medieval Languages and Literature at Western Michigan University. She is aided in her quest by her husband Bear, and her two cats, Bobo and Q.

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The Drip

A regular blog by author Mander Ritzert, featuring book reviews, writing advice, communication conundrums, and other literary life lessons.

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